Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Word of God, O Bountiful Supply

The Word of God spoken in our words,
Oh, the blessings and bountifulness it affords.
His words have spoken to my heart,
And with these word, His wisdom doth impart.

To those that spilt their blood, my gratitude,
And by Your words, it has changed my attitude.
For those that suffer for His name,
You will not die in shame.

So take this Word and let it be thy guide,
And take the words you glean and in your heart hide.
The words of life are found therein,
And they can guide you to salvation from sin.

-Wade Jinright

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Solid Rock

The Rock on which I stand,
Has called me out to go across the land.
For He will not move or go away,
Because He is my hope and stay.

We have built on the Solid Rock,
And He is the Shepherd of this flock.
For we may move and go astray,
But He is there for us day by day.

He knows the need for a steadfast place,
Somewhere we can seek His face.
For we before Him fall,
And upon His name we call.

-Wade Jinright